Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Update On My (Not So) Well-being!

Greetings all!

One of my New Years Resolutions for this year was to post at least one blog post a month. It's only January, but I've posted several in the past few weeks, so I'm rather proud of myself. Although I don't have a lot to say today, I thought a general update on life wouldn't go a miss. 

So I'm officially back in university for my second semester. I came back briefly at the start of January just to sit some exams, but lectures began this Monday so we're officially in full swing. I've gotten two of my exam results back already, and I'm pretty happy with them! I got a 60 in American History and a 78 in American Politics, which is awesome (by my personal standards, at least!).  

But, of course, going back to university means being exposed to thousands of people with thousands of new germs all over again. As a result, I have inevitably been struck down with what I unimaginatively call Refreshers Flu. I currently have case of the sniffles like no other, an astonishing inability to breathe normally and a cough that could be mistaken for a barking dog. But alas; I will survive. (I would make a survival guide or a list of ways to avoid university-related illness as so many bloggers have done before me, but you and I know as well as each other that said list would be full of nonsense that really won't make any difference. Young adults are disgusting and germful. Power through, friends.)

Also, I'm going to try to go home on the weekends a bit less frequently this year, so I can feel more involved in student life. If I'm totally honest, I wasn't completely engaged last semester. Something wasn't clicking and I didn't really feel like a student, but I'm going to try to find my ground a bit more in the next few months. 

On a non-university related note, it brings me joy to say that that time of the year is upon us once more. Tis the season for my life to be consumed with sport for several short weeks. The Six Nations are here. Five long weekends of shouting at the television and insulting the referee, and indeed, anybody in a white rugby shirt with a red rose. For five weeks, English friends, you are scum. (For anybody outside the UK reading this, The Six Nations is a rugby tournament between Wales, England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Italy. National rivalry peaks like nothing you have ever seen before in this period. Outside the sporting world, we tend to get along pretty well. But: This. Is. War.)

So I don't have much else to say, but I'm sure I'll think of something soon enough. Until then, live good lives!

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