Without a doubt, my favourite band has to be McFly.
I share this fact with a great sense of loyalty. They came onto the music scene in 2003 and, with a slight blip (it really wasn't cool to like them in my group of friends, and I can't believe that actually stopped me from listening to them but it did), I've been a fan from the start. 10 years of awesome music, cute faces, hilarious Youtube videos and a lot of ups and downs. I sincerely recommend them if you've lived under a rock for the last decade and have never heard of them. If you like anything from pop to synth to beach to rock, you're going to find at least one album you like.
Lately, I've also gotten quite into the Arctic Monkeys after hearing their AM album which is fantastic in every way possible. I was never a fan before, but that one record has converted me. There's just something about it, man.
I'm also unashamedly in love with a band called R5. Maybe I should feel a little shame because 18-year-old front man, Ross Lynch is the star of a corny-as-anything Disney Channel show called Austin and Ally. But alas, no shame is to be felt. Made up of four siblings and a friend, they are the definition of feel-good. I know they don't float everybody's boat (I've tried playing their music to friends who have greeted me with blank, unimpressed expressions) but they simply never fail to make me smile. The fact that they're all gorgeous helps a bit, too.
The list of Youtube channels I am subscribed to is probably longer than my arm. A while ago, I went through a Youtube-crazy phase and... well, I haven't gotten out of it just yet. I could talk about so, so many channels and tell you what's wonderful about them all, but I'm going to condense this as much as I possibly can.
Zoella. This girl is wonderful. I really don't take much of an interest in beauty blogs (read: I couldn't give one fuck), but I really enjoy Zoe's videos simply because she is so likeable. She always looks fantastic, and she does it on a budget which is something a broke-ass student such as myself can appreciate. I'll name-drop her brother, Joe Sugg (ThatcherJoe) here too. He's hilarious.
Tyler Oakley. King/Queen/Almighty Ruler of Youtube. As far as I am concerned, he can do no wrong. He is flawless, funny, and more importantly, honest as anything.
ItsKingsleyBitch. Kingsley. This was one of the first channels I subscribed to whilst watching his first Christmas Overexposed Countdown. It's not often I can pinpoint a favourite video on a whole channel, but on this occasion, I can. Overexposed 2010 #7: Love The Way You Lie. I have never ever laughed that much at a Youtube video. Just. Watch it.
Jim Chapman. A more recent discovery. I clicked with his videos right away. We have the same sense of humour, we think the same things, we share a lot of opinions. I want to high-five him just for understanding my brain without ever actually interacting with me in any way.
ItsGrace. Grace Helbig. Another very recent discovery. Unpopular reality: I was not subscribed to DailyGrace. I had no interest. But as the controversy over her leaving MyDamnChannel at the start of 2014 got the Youtube community talking, I decided to subscribe to show some support and absolutely did not regret it. I'm honestly looking forward to seeing her every day in a new video. She is honestly hilarious and I hope her new channel has every bit of the success as DailyGrace did!
MeanMugen. Here's the wild card. The story is, I follow this guy on tumblr and saw that he was starting a Youtube channel, so I chose to subscribe. Thus far, he has only made three videos on this channel, but I think he's got this down already, and I'm excited to see where this channel goes. Give him a chance guys - make sure to subscribe!
TV Shows
Glee. I'm not even going to try to make you like this show. Either you do or you don't. As an avid fan from 2009, even I appreciate that the plot has fallen apart over the years, as has the continuity and overall standard. Also the songs just sound like covers now, and it's lost its originality. But do you know what? I love it. It's not even a case of liking it any more. I'm in it until the end now, it's like a blood bond or something.
Pretty Little Liars. Oh. My. God. This show is absolutely incredible. I pretty much marathon-ed the entire three and a half series of it in the space of around two weeks when I discovered it in the summer. I was entirely hooked. If you've never seen it before, the establishing plot is a group of five girls. One of the girls, Alison, goes missing, and the show really begins on the one-year anniversary of her disappearance. I'll say nothing more of the plot because even in the pilot, there's a shock plot twist. Any idea of an upcoming plot you have when watching the show is guaranteed to be wrong. It's so unpredictable, and yet every twist seems to be PERFECT for the plot. Amazing. I urge anyone of any demographic to watch it, and to stick with it. And when you get to the mid-season finale of season 4, you might as well watch the spin-off show, Ravenswood, starring one of the much loved characters of PLL, Caleb, played by Tyler Blackburn.
Teen Wolf. Another new discovery of mine. I had two reasons for starting to watch Teen wolf. Number 1, I discovered the beauty of Colton Haynes and number 2, everybody and their dog on tumblr were talking about it and I felt a bit left out. So I started at the beginning and became obsessed after about three episodes. The second half of season 3 has just started and it is absolutely incredible so far. There's a jump in the acting, the plot, the darkness and it really is amazing. An excellent watch if you're into all that supernatural stuff, or like me, really enjoy looking at beautiful, shirtless men (I'm looking at you, Hoechlin).
Beauty products
As I've said before, I'm really not into the beauty side of anything. I care very little for fashion and what not. As long as I look presentable, I'm not particularly fussed. But I will tip-toe slightly into the pool of beauty vlogging just because I need to share my love for this one product.
Maybelline Master Precise liquid eye liner. This thing is an actual god send. Up until my purchase of this very product, I was never blessed with the ability of being able to use liquid eye liner. I just could not master it. But this product has just made it far easier for me for some reason. It's more of a pen and that seems to help my shaky hand draw on some flicks that actually tend to match each side! It stays on, too, which is very good if you're one of those people like me whose eye make up tends to smudge whatever you do. Highly recommended.
Teen Wolf. Another new discovery of mine. I had two reasons for starting to watch Teen wolf. Number 1, I discovered the beauty of Colton Haynes and number 2, everybody and their dog on tumblr were talking about it and I felt a bit left out. So I started at the beginning and became obsessed after about three episodes. The second half of season 3 has just started and it is absolutely incredible so far. There's a jump in the acting, the plot, the darkness and it really is amazing. An excellent watch if you're into all that supernatural stuff, or like me, really enjoy looking at beautiful, shirtless men (I'm looking at you, Hoechlin).
Beauty products
As I've said before, I'm really not into the beauty side of anything. I care very little for fashion and what not. As long as I look presentable, I'm not particularly fussed. But I will tip-toe slightly into the pool of beauty vlogging just because I need to share my love for this one product.
Maybelline Master Precise liquid eye liner. This thing is an actual god send. Up until my purchase of this very product, I was never blessed with the ability of being able to use liquid eye liner. I just could not master it. But this product has just made it far easier for me for some reason. It's more of a pen and that seems to help my shaky hand draw on some flicks that actually tend to match each side! It stays on, too, which is very good if you're one of those people like me whose eye make up tends to smudge whatever you do. Highly recommended.
So I think I'll leave it there for now. Maybe I'll save some other specifics for a rainy blogging day with no inspiration. Do check out the things you've never heard of in this blog, because everybody likes to learn. I've been me, you've been you. Bye for now!
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